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All of our children, Kindergarten through fifth grade and their parents, were enthralled with your reading of Billy Bee's Adventures! Your stories are positive and appropriate for all ages. Thank you for giving us a part of your life and we look forward to more adventures! We are true Beeeelievers!

George Paul,
Principal, Louise Davy Trahan, Billerica, MA

The Children Love These Stories!


Scientifically Proven Research Shows :

  • The 5 to 10 minutes it takes to read a children's book with your child, has life long benefits!. 

  • It stimulates brain development, increases vocabulary, strengthens social and emotional skills, along with their writing abilities. That's a pretty powerful 10 minute journey!

  • Imagine if along this journey, they experienced, friendship, kindness and love, at this young impressionable age and got as excited as the children in these pictures everytime it was read!

  • At The Adventures of Billy Bee, we guarantee that every story is filled with all of the good positive experiences that you'll want your child to experience.

  • For the past 25+ years, our readers have been telling us just that! 


As a teacher and a first-time mom- to- be, it is important for me to select literature, which will teach my students to be better people. I look for books with good positive healthy messages, which will build them up and guide them in a positive direction. The public would benefit from reading The Adventures of Billy Bee!

Kim Stevens

5th Grade Teacher, Revere MA

Colors of Love

The Adventures of Billy Bee ®

ISBN 1-886919-11-9


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Colors of Love

9x12 Inch Hardcover

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This Book Gives Story -Time A Whole New Meaning!

  • This book is not digital. You can see above by the way this little reader is holding hers :) 

  • This edition as shown above is the large 9 x 12 inch Hardcover that's written in Captivating Verse and normally retails for over $20.00 in the major bookstores.

  • Today, to welcome you into our storyline we have a limited amount of 1st edition Colors of Love Hardcovers left in stock and will discount them to you for Just $11.95

  • You're not going to find this quality book for this price anywhere but here!

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Peter's belief in his stories coupled with a genuine desire to make a difference in children's lives is easily visible in his presentation. The children were captivated by his energy and enthusiasm. As administrators of primary-aged public school children, we are careful about who interacts with our children because of the extreme trust they have in adults and how easily they can be influenced. Peter Thomas is a superb model for the children. In a short period of time Peter has made us a believer in him. He is a good person who carries a strong and important message to the children.

William H. Estey - Principal - Fred C. Underhill School - Hooksett, NH

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"The story Colors of Love touched my heart, and I think everyone in the world should read that story! It's incredible!
Thank you! Thank You!"

Lisa Steere

5th Grade Teacher, Bedford, Nh

More Teacher Testimonials

As a teacher, I found your books to be very well rounded and educational. The lessons taught in these books can be used with any age and are everyday lessons. Thank you for writing such powerful stories with great lessons and illustrations. We can't wait to read about Billy Bee's next adventure

Mrs. Christine Nagle., St. Michael School, North Andover, MA

"Thank you for inspiring the children. After reading your books, I have taught my children many valuable lessons through Billy Bee. The children are absolutely hooked on Billy Bee and all of his friends. Continue to enforce a positive message to the children, because they love it!"

Melissa DeSimone

Venerini Academy, Worcester, MA

Dear Mr. Thomas, my students were as charmed as I was by your stories. I loved your "straight-from-the-heart," beautifully simple (though powerful) messages. I think it's great when kids of all ages (and I do mean all ages) can walk away feeling that their very own possibilities are endless! Your works are a wonderful blend of talent, goodness and optimism! Sincerely:

Donna Amato, 3rd Grade Teacher,
Fred C. Underhill, Hooksett, NH

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